Tuesday 18 October 2011

Web design - "Understanding common web coding protocols"

The purpose of a web browser is a software application can retrieve, pretent , and traverse information on the world wide web (www). To let us see the content on the internet a web browser will render HTML into content. So that see can see images and text on the site. There are a number of web browsers that people can use. There is ,internet explorer , Safari , Firefox  and Google chrome.

HTML (hypertext mark-up language ) XHTML (Extensible hypertext mark-up language) and CSS ( Cascading Style sheets) are all common web coding language and are basic building blocks for any type of web page. When making a website you must include these otherwise your information you want on your page won’t show. When making this on Notebook you have to open and close the code, you open it by putting <head> and close it by </head>.
Web coding protocol let the developers of the websites to add things to their pages. For example they can add images on to the website by putting <img src = “picture”>. This will add the image to the page. You can also add Hyperlinks to the page, you can do this by putting <a href = “the website” > Home </a> you can use this for links around the site or for links to other websites. Websites can also use Meta tag. A Meta tag doesn’t affect or show on a page. Instead it provides information on the page, for example, how often its updated or what it’s about. The information can be shown in the “head” of the pages. The Meta tag is also used in search engines such as Google and Yahoo.

This is a typical structure of a coded page.

<head> This information isn’t shown on the page </head>

<style type="text/css">

<title> What the page is called </title>

<body> what the website includes i.e Pictures , information , background colour , font ,size. </body>

WYSIWYG , stands for “ what you see is what you get.” This is a software where it allows you to
make a website without using all the coding to change the look. This still uses the HTML coding.
Other examples of programmes you can do this on is Dreamweaver and expression web.

When publishing a website you have to first make sure that the address you want to use is
Available. You can do this on a website like “go daddy or “123-reg” When you find the address
you want this company will then allow you to store your websites information on their website.
This works via FTP(file transfer protocol) to publish a website it will cost you but it depends on
the type of address you want.

There are many way of promoting a website , the main ways that are used are S.E.O (search
engine optimization) or S.M.O (social media optimization)  These allow people to search for your
websites in things such as Google.

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