Thursday, 1 September 2011

Developing advert campaign


My advert is about a fizzy energy drink that I have made up. The drink is Called Zest. I have come up with an advert that will help sell my product. The advert is based on a Boy that has woken up late for College and doesn’t have a lot of energy so he has a drink of Zest which makes him gain energy so that he can get to College on time.

My advert will set off with a boy waking up and looking at his alarm clock and realises what the time and that he is going to be late for college. My character then jumps out of bed. He then walk’s down the stairs to the kitchen not very quickly. When he gets to the kitchen, he will open the fridge where he will pull out my product of a fizzy energy drink called Zest. When my character has done this it will show what the drink can do to you.

Once he has had some of the drink he will then have a load of energy so he ends up running everywhere so that he gets to college on time. Once he has the drink he goes into the bathroom where we just see him go in and they come out dressed. Next we will see him doing is hair in the mirror. Once this is all done we see him make his way to college. We will see him running down the streets and through a park and into the college. The shot will then end with him getting into the classroom and putting down the drink on the table, where the last show will be of the drink. This part will be on a clear background that is slightly blurred so that you can just see the drink. Over this we will see and hear the drinks slogan being read and the slogan will appear on screen.

From when he has the drink everything will be speeded up is that it looks like he is moving fast. I will also have music playing over this part. I will have sound effects for the alarm and I will use a range of different camera shots. I will include wide camera shot to show where he is and what is going on and will use close ups to see the more import things and facial expressions.
I want my advert like this as it targets the audience of 14-18 year old boys as they can relate to what it going on in the narrative advert.

Brand and logo

Profile on target audience

I would expect my target audience to a similar age to me. I say this as i feel i target them well as i know what sort of things there into. In my advert i want people to be able to relate to what is going on and include this that there into. Here is a profile of what i would my target audience would be like....
aged 17
From a working class background.
Spends alot of time with his mates playing football.
Can be Lazy.
spends a lot of time on xbox.
Spends a lot of time making sure he looks good.
Likes up beat songs , eg, example ,ed sheeran , tinie temper .
Like Action films.


In my advert i plan to have a boy that has woken up late for college and that he is on a go slow until he drinks my drink that im advertising which is called Zest. Once the has had some of the drink he will then start moving quickly. In this part we will see him get ready for college by doing his hair and getting changed. We will then see the boy run to college still holding the drink. The boys will be running through  parks and streets to make his way to college. The boy then arrives in college to where he will put his drink on the table  and this will be the finishing shot.
This advert will last 30-40 seconds and will be a narrative style advert, where im trying to sell the product through a story. The target audience is for mainly 14-18 year old boys, this is as i feel they can relate to the story and mainly this age range drink this.


In my advert i will include a range of different camera shots and will show why product is worth buying. My advert will start off with a long shot of a boy in bed. Then it will go into a close up of the alarm clock going off. For this part it  will be set in a bedroom and the main prop needed would be the alarm clock. For the alarm clock i will use special effects of the sound of it going off , to make it sound realistic.  As there is no spoken words in this part the close up is important as it will tell the audience what is going on. I feel that with the character waking up late the audience can relate to it as it something that happens a lot to students.
In the next part we see the character getting out of bed and walking slowly to get to the kitchen. This will show that he doesn’t have any energy but then when he goes to the fridge and has a drink of the energy drink that im advertising called Zest. When he has a bit of this drink he suddenly gets a lot of energy from it. To show the difference in before and after the drink  as a fast beat music will start and  everything he does starts to speed up.  This music will be Kick Starts by example . I would have this as it would appeal to the audience and its will know to boys age 14-18 as its the sort of music that is popular with them. This song is also fast beat so will relate to everything speeding up in the advert. When my character takes the drin out of the fridge i don’t want a complete close up of the drink as i want don’t people to see what being advertised straight away as i want people to wait till the product is shown at the end.  When i come to editing this part i will also speed up so that it makes the audience think that this happens when you drink the drink zest.

Once the character has got ready i will then have him running to college . This part will see him running through parks and streets. I would have him still holding the drink as it will show the audience that this is making him go fast and have all the energy. While he is running i would make the character jump over thing like a bench and fencing and maybe have him falling over as this would add comedy to it and would make it appeal to the audience. I would still have the music playing in the background as it fits in with whats going on. I would also carry on the editing part of speeding it up. I have used these places as i think these places the audience can relate to as many people would walk though area’s like this to get to college/school . For the camera shots in this part i would have range of camera shots. When he goes to jump over something i would have a close up of the object with him running towards the camera then have it so that we see him run away from it. I would have wide shots to show where the character is.

The last part would see the character arriving at college. I would have the charcter go into the classroom and sit down and when he puts his drink down, the camera would zoom in on the drink and the background would go blurry so that it shows that the drink is important. This is when we finally iis the drink properly so the audience will now know what the drink is that has made him get the energy. When i come to editing this part i would fade down the music a little so that i can put the recording of the slogan being said over the top. I would then have the background behind the drink then fade into black so that drink stands out as the colours on the drink are bright. I will also have the slogan and the logo appear on screen so that the audience can see it and remember it.

Throughout the advert i haven’t said any spoken words. I have done this so that it appeals more to the age range as 14 to 18 year olds would only pay attention to the visuals and music to things being spoken. I would have the slogan spoken just so the audience cna remember it and it will stay in there minds. The location for my advert are all places that the audience can relate to. For example i have used a college/school , i have done this as people this age would be studying at these places and can relate to it. The narrative i have chosen is also so they can relate to it.
Overall  i think that my advert targets my audience of males 14-18years old as i have included all the things that would interest them such as the music , is something that they listen to.

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