The two adverts I have analysed are for Fanta and Pepsi. These adverts are aimed at different people and are both done in very different ways to sell their products.
In the fanta advert they represent young people. They do this by the cartoon people hanging out in parks and the streets with groups of people. They represent them like this as this is a stereotypical of what people think teenagers are like. By the producers doing this it would make it appeal more to the target audience as they would be able to relate to it and could find it funny as they are being stereotyped in that way. In this advert it sort of represents that teenagers need fizzy drinks to make them hyper to have a good time. As in this advert it shows young people looking depressed then when they have this drink they then become happy and hyper. I would say that the target audience for this would be a mix of girls and boys aged 14 to 26 year olds that are from a working class. I would say this as the things in the adverts would appeal to this group of people. For example the music that is being played would appeal to this age group as it would get played in parties and nightclubs, and this age group would be in to stuff like this.
From playing this music I would say that it increases the sale of the drink, as well as the song. It would do this as people would hear the song, and would then think of the drink and might want to buy it and if people hear the song they might like it and want to buy that. The producer of this advert has used cartoon teenagers so that it will target type audience as this would appeal to them. It would also target them as they use bright colours and the effect’s as it would stand out from the other adverts.
In this Fanta advert the producers have decided that it shouldn’t involve any speech. I think they have decided on this as it targets young people and they wouldn’t bother listening to anything as they would rather watch it. So in this advert they have made sure the selling point is in all the watching. They have done this by making the visuals more effective and so the audience can relate to them. For example the Mis-en-scene for this advert is the park, the streets and a bedroom. These are all places that teenagers would hang out with friends, so by the advert having this the audience can relate with it. They have also used bright colours throughout the advert. Colours used are oranges, pinks, reds, yellows and blues. These are used on clothing and the orange is to advertise the drink.
Instead of the advert not having any speech not having any speech in it, they have used sound effects and music throughout instead of speech. The music played throughout is “it's like that” by Run Dmc. They use this as its fun, upbeat and they could be using this as they would be saying that the drink is fun and makes you upbeat. The sound effects they have used in the advert are noises of a girl sighing because she’s bored and then the noises of the drink being poured. Another one is the fizzing of the drink. They have used these sound effects of the drink as this is what they are saying the drink sounds like; by them doing this it is persuading people to buy it.
Fanta try to sell their product in this advert by having a message of what the drink does to you. For the advert the message is “if you have this drink you will become a lot happier” By the visuals saying this it will make people wants to try it to see if it true. In this advert they are wit and humour as advertisement technique. They do this by using cartoons as it is different and not very life like so people would find it entertaining. Another technique they use is weasel words to sell the product. For example at the end of this advert they have the saying “more fanta less serious” This suggests that the more fanta you have the less serious you become. If people see this they might think that it’s true.
In this advert they use a narrative story to sell the product. The storyline is, a teenage girl is sitting in her bedroom bored then a boy come in with some “fanta” and she becomes happy after having a drink of it. The advert then shows groups of friends in the streets and driving and in a park are having fun as they are drinking “fanta”. When the drink runs out is shows that they are all sad. The characters in this advert are teenagers and young adults, this is as they are targeting them and they can relate to it. They use a story in this advert as it is telling the audience; this is what happens when you drink this drink. By them doing this it helps them to sell it as people want to see it its true.
The genre of this advert is cartoon fiction as the story to the advert isn’t true. This advert uses the codes and conventions of targeting young people as they used people of the same age and things that they do.
I think this advert has been quiet successful in selling the product, the advert is eye catching and different and by them using music it helps people remember the advert. From being the same sort of age as the target audience, I feel it is very effective as there are parts you can relate to and the drink is appealing.
The second advert that I looked at was for the fizzy drink Pepsi. This advert represents and targets a different range of people to the drink Fanta. Pepsi also advertise their drinks in a different way compared to Fanta.
In this advert they are representing footballers, they are doing this by using famous footballers from all over the world. In this advert it makes footballers come across as being competitive and strong. They make the footballers look competitive by two of them playing football at the end to see who is better but when one looses we can see the annoyances on his face. They are represented in this way as it links with them selling the products, as it makes the audience feel that they have to be competitive to buy the drink Pepsi.
For this advert I would say that the target audience would be mainly Male’s of 18 – 24 year olds of working class. I would say this as these people are the main watches of football , so by them using footballers in the advert these people would know who they are and would make the advert appeal to them more. Another thing that targets this audience is by the audience seeing that the famous footballers drinking the drink as they would think that they should drink this as they all footballers do. By them doing this it is helping to sell that product as the audience are likely to listen more to their hero’s and celebrities.
As the same as the Fanta advert there are very little spoken words. This is because they use the famous footballers, music and the visuals to sell the product. The mis-en-scene for this advert is in a western, where everything is dark. This is done to add tension to the advert. Music in the advert also helps with this. All this links with the narrative of this advert to help sell the product. The only words in this advert are the word Pepsi at the beginning of the advert this is done as it’s not clear to start with what the advert is advertising. The Footballers in this advert are wearing items of clothing that has there footballing teams logo on. By them wearing this it is also helping to advertise the football team.
In this advert there are a range of different camera shots, this helps to show the tension in places. For example when one of the Footballers takes the drink from David Beckham , there is a close up shot on his face that shows that he’s not happy with that has just happened. There are also a lot of long shots to show what is going on.
This Pepsi advert gives out a message in its storyline. I think they are trying to say “Once you have had one, ask for more.” We know this as at the end of the advert they have “Ask for more” come up on the screen. Another message in this could be “Don’t take other peoples Pepsi.” Because the storyline of the Beckhams drink being taken ends in a disagreement where they have to play football to see is better. By having the message “ask for more” They want people to have another one after one. This is done as they want to up their profits. To help sell Pepsi the advert uses techniques, one of the techniques used is Wit and humour. They use this as it keeps the audience entertained. An example of wit and humour is at the end when Beckham whistles and the horse kicks the ball instead of him. This is humour as you don’t expect it to happen. With the message, they have used it so that it sounds like a command. They do this so the audience think that they have to buy it as the company are telling them to.
This advert is done in a narrative way to help sell the product. They have used only footballers throughout the advert as the characters of the story. The storyline is that a football team walk into a bar and the rest of team sit down apart from David beckham. Beckham goes over to the bat and asks for “Pepsi” and the bar slides it over to him but someone from the other team grabs the drink and drinks it. Beckham then says “outside” to the guy. This is because he wants see that deserves the drink the most. After this, is when the players have a games of football to see you deserve it more? Pepsi have used a narrative storyline in there advert as it keeps the audience watching the whole way through as they want to see what happens at the end , and by them using footballers this also keeps them watching as you want to see what they are star’s are advertising.
The genre of this advert is like a western film. They have used the codes and conventions of a western film to do this. For example the Location, horses, guns and dark colours are all the convention of a western.
I think that this advert has been very successful as the storyline keeps the audience watching and by them using famous people it makes people what to try the drink as they think that famous people are drinking it. This advert also targets it audience well as it has used things that appeal to them, such as football and westerns films. I think that the sales probably did rise from this advert.