Friday 1 October 2010

8 shot journey evaluation

My 8 shot journeys was about someone being late to college. Before we made out 8 shot journeys we had to make a storyboard. The storyboard for my 8 shot journeys contains 8 shots. Its shows the journey of the person being late for college and, them walking through the park to get there.  I have used a number of different shot types to show what the person was doing. For example i used a very long shot when she was coming down the stairs; I used this because it shows her whole body to show that she was rushing. I then used a close up when she had got to college to show that she was glad to be there. I have used many different shots so it doesn’t make the piece boring and keeps the person watching interested in what is going on. On my storyboard each frame has a piece of information with it which tells people what the person is doing , where the camera is positioned and what side the person enters and leaves from. This information is important to directors so they can just pick a story board up and they would know what to do without asking the person what is going on. I have also drawn the picture on my storyboard to look like what the scene does, this is also done for the director she they know where to shoot the frames.
Before shooting my 8 shot journey, we had to stripe the tape, we were using. We had to do this to make sure the tape was working and so it creates a continuous time code. While shooting my 8 shot journeys i used a tripod. There is a big benefit from using the tripods as it made the footage that i shot better quality, as it stopped the camera from shaking because if i had filmed it while holding the camera the footage would be moving. In our recording we had to record handles for each frame we shot. We had to do this because it would make it easier to edit when we had finished filming. On one of frames i recorded two shots of, as i thought the footage wasn’t close enough in the first shot. While recording i encounter one problem, which i managed to fix. This problem was when we had striped the tape we forgot to rewind the tape back, so while we were filming the tape went blank and we had to go back film it all again.
After filming we had to get ready to edit our filming. We had to enter information into a log in sheet. On this sheet we had to enter the time code that each frame started from and ended with. The sheet also included the shot size, location and short description of what was happening, a comment about the shot and what shots we were using. The information on this sheet made it easier for when we had to start editing. Time code is the time used to film each frame. This also makes it easier when coming to editing as you can just enter in the timing place the time of what you want to keep.
When editing out 8 shot journeys we used a programme called “final cut pro” on the apple Mac computers. From editing some of the frames it made it my final piece so it was in a sequence. While editing i was able to get rid of bits I didn’t need. For example i had her turn around at the end of one shot, which she wasn’t meant to do but i was able to edit it out. I was able to select the best pieces of each frame to put into my final cut. Before placing the frames onto a timeline it rimed the beginnings and ends of each shot, so i could get rid of the handles that i had put on. From editing my frames all of my 8 shots were in form and completed in a sequence. If i was to do it again i would change a few things, i would add longer handle as it did make it a bit harder when editing. I would also use a few more different shots so it makes it more exciting.

pinhole evalution.

When I started doing pinhole camera there was things that I wanted to learn. I wanted to learn how to use the dark room and what chemicals are used to make the image appear. I also wanted to know how to make the camera and how it worked. I wanted to know how the camera worked because I didn’t believe that a box and picture paper could get you a image.

From Studying and creating my pinhole camera I have developed my knowledge on this topic. From this I have learnt the way pinhole cameras work. I have learnt that when you are making the box the inside of the box needs to be black, this is because if there was a reflection in it the image wouldn’t come out , so when you paint it black  the light is absorbed by the black. I also learnt that you cannot let the photographic paper see light unless you want to take the image. This is because the paper takes in the image when light is on it and if you let light see the paper before taking the picture your image wouldn’t come out.  Another thing ii have learnt is that you have to place the images into chemicals to the images appear. The solution we have to put the paper into were the “fixer” , “developer” and “stop” then you had to wash the image with water . This was to wash off the dangerous chemicals before touching it. When taking the image, I learnt that you had to leave the camera there, for a certain amount of time when taking the photo. This timing was very important to make the images come out. The timing was different for everybody as it depended on what size your box was. If i didn’t know about this i would of left it taking the image for about 5 minutes.

When i made my pinhole camera i brought in a Pringles box to make it with. We painted the inside of out boxes black; this was to stop any reflection inside the box. We then had to make a lens for a box. We did this by cutting a square into our boxes and then putting foil over this square. We stuck the foil down using black duck tape. Next we put a pin in the foil to make the lens. This hole was the hole that would see the image and would go onto the photo paper. When our lens was done we had to make sure that the box didn’t have any light going into it. This meant we had to create a flap to cover over the pinhole. We made this by using card and duck tape. When i place the photographic paper in the box i stuck it the inside of the box. This had to be placed opposite the pinhole so that the image went on the paper. When we put the paper in the box, we had to do this in the dark room this was because the paper mustn’t see light before taking the image.

With the images i have taken with my pinhole camera, i am very pleased with. I took 2 pictures outside. I felt that these pictures came out the best and they were very clear, where as the picture i had taken inside didn’t come out very well. When i took my images outside i had to leave my camera focusing on the spot for 30 seconds. This time was important because if i had left my camera focused there any longer my image would of came out black and you wouldn’t of seen them. I have learnt from my pictures i took outside that the camera needed to stay still. This is because when the camera moves it will leave a blur in the image. When I was taking my first image i moved the camera a little bit which made a slight blur in it. Although i did i felt that it was quiet effective in my work. This was my first picture so i knew for my next pictures i needed to keep the camera still to make a clearer image come out. The second picture i took was of the college’s feel that this was my best picture as it was the clearest. I think it came out very clear because i had it on a level surface and i stood away from it. The last picture i took, i tired inside. This meant that u needed to change the time i kept the camera focusing for. The time for inside was 2 minutes. I took the image using a different size piece of paper as i wanted to see how it came out. I feel i shouldn’t of done this as the paper wasn’t big enough and there was only a small image in the corner of the paper. Overall i was very pleased with the images that my camera had produced , as they were clear and i didn’t make many mistakes.

If i was to do this task again there would be a few things i would like to try. I would like to try doing more images inside to see how they would come out different to the ones i did outside. I would also i like to try using a different type box with a longer focal point to see if anything was different with the images. If i was to do this again i would also make sure that i keep my box on level surface area so that the images i get out are clearer. I would also like to try to leave my box somewhere for a long time to see  how the image would turn out with people walking past it and what sort of effect it would give the image.

Radio jingles

  • Logic is a DAW= digtal , audio, work station.
  • what you can do on logic pro- Muti track , record audio, edit audio , appeal plug.
  • Other exmples of this type of programme , garage band , soundbooth  DEW.
How to use logic pro.
  • Start by saving it.
  • Tracks on the side  - S=solo  , M= mute , R=record ready.
  • waves are calle regions
  • Automation - automation-automaticly fades out.Click track then automation.Then a yellow line will appear then you can move it up and down to fade things and make things louder
  • Bounce= select the top but to make green , then select boune change file to AIFF and switch offline.
  • Plug ins= effects
Music formats

  • Mp3 , WMA , WAV , AAC , AIFF
  • AAC=  Advanced Audio Coding
  • WMA=Windows Media Audio
  • WAV=Waveform Audio File Format
  • AIFF=Audio Interchange File Format

 Script for show Promo-

- Tune in to SNC live online for Mulleys Monday nights from 6 till 9.(example playing in the background)

-With Guest star "example"

-And catch all  the hits from this weeks charts. (example stops playing in the back ground)

- Katy B ( her music plays then fades out towards end)

- Taio Cruz (his music plays then fades out towards end)

-Usher (His music plays then fades out at end and thenit finishes)

1.Radio Station: Radio 1
What is the jingle advertising? The morning show and the DJ.
How long is the jingle? 3 minutes long.
At what time of the day/week/year would the jingle ideally be played? Why? Weekday, in the evening advertising the morning show.
What audience is being targeted? Why do you think this is? Students and working people as they are getting ready to go to school/college or work.
Describe the radio jingle. What elements are included? V/O, SFX, Music? Singing, information of the show , music in the background, describing the DJ.
What information is given in the jingle? Why is this necessary? Name of the show, times it is on till, DJ. People need to know this because they might want to recommend it to other people.
Do you think that the jingle is effective? Why/ why not? Yes sort of. I think it is good but too long although it gives a lot of information about the DJ and make the radio station sound fun and exciting.

2.   Radio Station. Radio 1
What is the jingle advertising?BBC Extra, R n B songs
How long is the jingle?40 Seconds.
At what time of the day/week/year would the jingle ideally be played? Why?The jingle would ideally be played during the day as it is advertising a evening show which starts from 7.00.
What audience is being targeted? Why do you think this?14-25 year olds.  It is an evening show so this age group would be at home or on the way home and could be listening to the show to relax.
Describe the radio jingle. What elements are included? V/O, SFX, Music.Voice overs,music playing,that would feature on the show so if that was their preferred choice of music they would listen.
What information is given in the jingle? Why is this necessary?The time that it starts. What kind of music they would play, the station, name of the show, what channels, online or digital where you can listen.
Do you think that the jingle is effective? Why/Why not?Yes because it is loud and bold. The presenters sound excited about it.

When we started doing radio jungles there were things i wanted to learn about. I wanted to learn, how to use the programmes and what jingles needed to include. The Jingles we made were for a show promo, an advert for a made up product and i personal ident that would be played throughout a radio show. Before starting our jingles we researched them. We went on the radio stations websites to listen to their jingles. We did this as it gave us an idea of what they include.
  Our first task we did was a 5 second ident. From doing this i learnt how to use the software which was logic pro. I feel that this task could of gone better as i thought the ident wasn’t very good. At the start of my ident i had a whooshing noise. By doing this i thought it was fun and not serious. I have learnt from doing this task that i needed to talk louder when recording. If i was to do this again i would have music playing throughout as i think it would make it more exciting as it was rather boring.
The next task we had to do was to make up a product and advertise it though the radio. The product we made up was ‘heat feet’ a product that when you put your feet in socks that automatically heat up. When we made our jingle we made sure that it had the name of the product, what it does, price and where you can buy it. When we made this we had music playing throughout the advert. We thought this would be good as people remember advert though songs and it also makes people more interested. I feel this task could of gone a lot better as we couldn’t work logic pro very well. I felt the piece of advert didn’t flow very well and it sounded like it was in lots of different bits. If i was to do it again i would try and make it sound like it flows better. I would also have more talking about the product so we don’t have to add as much plug ins, as i  felt that it made it sound very cheesy and a bit over the top.

The last task we did was for a show promo, in this task we had to include, the name of the show , time it was on , what the show included, and what station it was going to be on. I feel that this was my best piece of jingle work. I felt that it went very well. In this we had music playing throughout , i felt like this was a good idea as other radio stations have this in a jingle. This also shows people what sort of music is going to be played through out the radio show. While we had the music playing we had our voices go over the top of the music track. When this was happening we had the music playing lower while our voices were louder over the top, this needed to be like this as you wouldn’t of heard the important information about the show. In our jingle we told people that we were going to have a guest star which was Example. When people hear this in a jingle , they can see if they like it so they can join in and listen. I think our show promo was very good because it gives all the information and we have used a range of different effects to make the promo exciting.
Overall i have learnt everything that i wanted to. From doing these tasks it has helped me remember what to do if i was to do it again. I can also tell that it has helped me know the programme better as each task went on i think my products became better. If i was to do this again i can learn from my mistakes in these tasks. Overall i have really enjoyed doing this.

URL for show promo
URL for advert

URL for ident

Friday 24 September 2010

pinhole camera

 Photography-is the process , activitiy  and ar of creating still or moving pictures by recording radiation.

-Aerial , commercial , docmentary, fashion, black and white, fine art , forensic , glamous, high speed, illustraion, landscape, nature, paparazzi , portrait, still life, stock, underwater,wedding and photojournalism.

Camera- a device that records images either still images or moving.

A shutter- It allows light to pass for a determined period of time, for the purpose of exposing photographic film.

Aperture- in optics on aperture is a hole or an opening through which light travels. Measures in increments called F-stops.

Lens- Captures the light from the subject and brings it to a focus on  film or detector.

Exposure control- size o the aperture and the brightness of the scene controls the amount of light that enters the camera shutter controls the lenght of time that the light hits the recording surface.

Health and safety rules in the studio
  • No eating or drinking- could damage equipment
  • No running or fooling around - only small area and could damage equipment
  • No coats or bags on the floor- someone could trip up.
  • Dry hands before using electric's- could damage equipment or hurt yourself.
  • Use tong to handle photo paper- the chemicals could hurt you.
  • Dot mix the wet and dry side of the darkroom.
Darkroom health and safety
  • No eating or drinking -chemicals around
  • No running or fooling around- chemicals and small area
  • Beware of cables on the floor
  • flash heads get hot- handle with care
  • Dont look directly into the flash light
  • Be careful when using the paper blackgroun systems
  • Handle all equipment with care.

  For our Pinhole photography, we had to bring in a box. I brought in a Pringles box to make my pinhole camera out of. Next we had to make sure that our boxes were not letting any light in. We had to paint the inside of our boxes so the light doesn’t reflect in my box. We then had to make a small square in our boxes to make the lens; we then covered up the square with foil and put a pin hole in it to create the lens. After this we had to measure the length of my of my which was 72mm we then had to divide that the 0.8 , this gave us our focal point which was F90. We needed to know this so we knew how long it would take to take a picture. For my box I had to keep it outside for 30 seconds and inside I had to leave it for 2 minutes.
Next we had to create a flap to cover the pinhole up, so the inside of the box did let any light in. We create the flap with card and black duck tape. After are boxes were all blacked out we then inserted the photographic paper into the box. We put the paper in our box in the dark room because if we put it in, in the light it would ruin the paper and the picture will not come out.
When this was done we had to go to the locations where we wanted to take our pictures and had to leave our camera’s there for 30 seconds. Once we had taken our pictures we had to go back into the dark room to take our pictures out of our boxes and process them. Following this we had to place our photos into 3 different trays with different chemicals in so that the picture developed. The first tray we placed the paper into was called “the fixer this made the image come up on the paper. We had to leave the paper in the tray for 30seconds , after this we had to place it in the second tray which was the “developer” we had to leave it in the tray for 10 second and the last tray was “the stop” this kept the image the on the paper and we had to leave it for 30seconds and then took it out. If we were happy with the photo we had to place it in the “stop” tray for 5 minutes. By doing this it keeps the image there for longer. Once done this we had to wash the image in water and then put it through a dryer.  I then did this process 4 times.

When I had taken all my pictures I had to scan them into the scanner. Each of pictures that I scanned I had to change them into jpeg files. After this we had to make a g mail account and a bogging account on I then had to place all my photo on to Photoshop. Once all our images were on photoshop we had to invert them . This meant that we changed them from negatives to positives.

Overall I think that all my pictures have come out well and I am pleased with them. Although I feel that the pictures that I took inside weren’t as good as the images outside. With my first picture I think I left it capturing to long (30seconds) I then took my picture with just 20 seconds this made my images come out much clear. For the next 3 pictures, they all came out really clear. My last photo that I took I didn’t come out very clear, this was because the paper that I had placed in my box wasn’t big enough to capture the image. After it had done this I got a bigger piece of photo paper and it came out fine. I also found out from my images that they were clearer when the shutter wasn’t facing the sun and was in the shade. If the shutter was facing the sun the image would come out completely black .The images in the sun didn’t take as the light was to bright.
Once I had put my photos on Photoshop I was very happy with them as they were clear and you could make out what the images were.
Research & development.
Since pinhole camera , it has made development in technology we use today. Pinhole photography was the first type of photography made. In the past 10 years there has been a huge development in photography . This is due to there being digital camera, the images that come off a digital camera are very clear and are very good quality. There is also been a big improvement in editing programmes were people can change the colour of the images, the size and add things in. This has made images better quality. There are now also camera phones which most people always have with them. Pictures that are also becoming clearer on phones as the cameras are becoming better. The lens has also had a big improvement in photograph as the lens has become bigger which is making the images better quality. Since 1935 there has also been the making of film cameras which lets people record special moments. Video cameras have also helped Computer games as people are able to base them on things they have filmed.
Camera’s have also change the way photos are stored. Photos used to be stored on pieces of paper like the pinhole camera and then there was a film that went into a camera which the photos went onto, when looking at this film the pictures was seen in negative. Now a day’s digital cameras have memory cards that store the images on.

These images are the positives that i have changed on photoshop. I did this by puting the images on photoshop , then going on ivert  to change the image from a negivtive to postivive.

These images are the images that i took with my pinhole camera.


This image was taken in England and the photographer has called it “The Ghost of Portmellon Cove” They have called it is because where someone has stood in front of the camera it looks like a ghost. This picture is landscape as it is a image of the beach. 

 This picture is called winter garden people and the photographer is Diana Bloomfield . She has been a photographer for 25 years and does many different types of photos. She has taken portrait , landscape and a few pinhole images. Is image is of a landscape. In this picture you can that people have been walking past and that the light was on it quiet alot.

This pinhole photography is done by Justin Quinnell.  This image is of the Clifton suspension bridge , the camera was left there for 6 months to take the picture. Justin Quinnell takes a range of different type pinhole photos. He does  Slow light like this on of Clifton bridge, Black and white , Colour and images done inside the mouth. Most of Justin Quinnells  are normally left to capture the pictures for 6 months.


This is a example of a  paparazzi image. We can tell this as it isnt a posed image and it shows that they are out  doing there own thing with other people watching.

This image is  a  few differnet genres , it is landscape , nature or fine art. It is landscape and nature because it is of land an natural growing things. This could also be fine art as it could be a picture that someone has up in there house.